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 McAfee Updates

As a convenience to our customers*, we have added the following instructions and links to help our customers keep their McAfee Virus Scan up to date. McAfee Virus Scan is PC Perfect's preferred method for Virus Protection.

Close any applications running on your taskbar.

Click on the following link:

McAfee Download Site

Select the SuperDat file for Windows/Intel

Download the file to your desktop, or any known download location on your computer.

After the file is downloaded, navigate to it, and double-click on it. Follow the prompts to update the software.

After clicking finish, allow the product to restart your computer. If it does not prompt you to restart, then perform the restart manually. While it is not always necessary to restart your computer after updating software, it is always good practice to do so.

*PC Perfect does not provide any guarantee or warranty as to the safety or security of any file provided by any manufacturer. Downloading files can be dangerous, and if you do not understand the consequences, please call the vendor to answer your questions and explain the dangers.
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